On Tuesday, November 10, 2009, Jesse Duplantis preached at the South Plains Church in Levelland, Texas. He comes every year about this time of year and is an excellent, anointed preacher of the Word of God! He told us many sayings, proverbs really, that are stoutly rooted from the Word. Here are a few of them.
- “The Christian spirit is a spirit of adventure.”
- “It's through our freedom that God corrects our freedom.”
- “Only a fool despises the wisdom of the past.”
- “Guard against discontent in every way, shape, or form.”
- “Temptation and corruption are the twins of sensual indulgence.”
- “There's a divine delicacy to the ways of God.”
- “I want to be a reflection of Christ, not a reflection [or shadow] on Christ.”
- “The world is ready for punishment. The world is not ready for forgiveness.”
(What this means is that the world is expecting to be punished. They are not expecting forgiveness or to be shown love. This is a charge for us believers to show ALL people love so that we can be God's Light to bring people to Him!)
Jesse Duplantis preaching at South Plains Church
in Levelland, Texas on Tuesday, November 10, 2009.
(photo taken by RG de Stolfe with cell phone)